Jul. 3 - Jun. 30 — Statewide
Energy Loan Program Application Period Open, July 3, 2023 to June 30, 2024

The application period for the Energy Loan Program is now open.

Area of Focus: Energy
Event Type: Public Notice/ Public Comment
Organization: Division of Energy

The application period for the Energy Loan Program is now open. This program offers low-interest loans to public K-12 schools, public colleges and universities, hospitals and local governments for energy-saving investments and energy-efficiency projects to reduce energy use and cost. Loan amounts for this loan cycle will be between $10,000 and $1 million, for a total of $5 million for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects throughout the state.

The department’s Division of Energy will evaluate the loan applications on a first-come, first-served basis. If money remains after the applications have been reviewed and prioritized, the department will consider awarding loans in excess of $1 million. The loan cycle is running concurrently with the Energy Audit Reimbursement Program.

Deadline to submit an application is June 30, 2024. For more information, or to download the application, visit the department's Energy Loan Program webpage.

Meeting or Hearing
Not Applicable